Suicide Squad Movie Quotes
"It feels good to be bad". They used it often and honestly it suits the story.
"It is World War Three". Later you can agree that she was right.
"If this man shoots me, I want you to kill him and I want you to clear my browser history".
A thriller and exciting scene which also have some comedy if you notice. He asks the cop to delete his browser history that none knows what he searched over the internet.
Viewer Issues About The Movie
Not a great film and not to consider a bad one. Some people loved Suicide Squad for its uniqueness and some haven't liked it at all. But off course that is not a flop. Comic background helped filmmaker to raise some more audience. Few viewers and critics complain about duration of the movie. They want it more. Some movies have much screen time but it is different about this action fantasy. Also movie geeks have issue about unnecessary use of music. Action scenes are not that stunning or exciting. Villain army couldn't "scare" people well. Considerable amount of comic fans are not happy with what film director tried to make.
The Joker and Katana are useless characters for some critics but I think they make sense. Especially The Joker's role is awesome which makes the story happy ending otherwise it was gonna suck at all. Audience don't want them in next part but Joker has become essential part of the story after helping escape her beloved and most notorious female character. On the other hand one said that if there were no joker then half of audience won't have watched the Suicide Squad movie.
Box Office Earning
As mentioned before, not a flop. Earned more than invested. So even sensible and wise audience criticized and raised some points but still majority loved and watched. They earned double from what they spent to make this beauty. Movie production has luck that even with lost of confusion about choosing villains and heroes, still they earned a lot. Most of people showed no concern about that situation which David created with no reason I think.
Batman Factor
Not necessary but it has become a trend to use several superheros in one movie. Filmmakers are afraid that audience gonna lose interest if they use same idea or concept again and again. I'm not sure that people who have issues with The Joker and Katana, why they haven't said any word about this black mask superhero. He is no need of the story I believe.
Suicide Squad 2
Great news that movie geeks gonna watch sequel of this popular movie.Another exciting news that there will be another character of Black Adam in the film and popular entertainer Dwayne Johnson also know as Rock gonna play the role. No doubt there is always a space for a new character.
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