cookieChoices = {}; IMDBwords: Movies, Celebrities, DVDs: Brandon vs Baby

Oct 25, 2017

Brandon vs Baby


Brandon M. Wyse. Best online thing happened to me. He is my best friend and professional screenwriter working in Hollywood film industry. I don't know to introduce him much, he's celebrity so just Google him and you will have all informative data about him.



Baby is leading character in action thriller movie Baby Driver. If you've watched the movie or heard about it then also I don't need to describe Baby more. Honestly that was Baby's face who first stopped me to not watch the movie. I didn't see any hero or leading character looks on his face. But after reading about the film everywhere made me to change my decision.

Family Background Similarity

Brandon's bio is on his website which is easily found in all search engines. He lost his parents at very young age. Same that happened to Baby in Baby Driver movie. 

Almost Same Pastof Brandon and Baby

They have almost same past. Same background. They both got into gang world accidentally and then came out of that trouble because they have kind hearts so God helped them to survive through.     


Both are tall and dashing. When I saw Brandon first time He was young and much handsome then. He looked like Collin Farrel. If you see his old you would agree with me. Both are risk takers. Both are generous and kind.

Music as Common Interest

Brandon is not only a professional screenwriter but also he's also famous for his DJ skills. Baby is not a DJ in the movie But he shows a great interest in music. Always listening songs. Headphones on.

In conclusion, they both have many similarities but still one huge thing which differentiate them that one is real person and other is just a movie character. Having all those moral qualities and skills in real life is not an easy thing to handle. My English is not good enough to describe Brandon's personality more accurately.

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