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Oct 25, 2017

Brandon vs Baby


Brandon M. Wyse. Best online thing happened to me. He is my best friend and professional screenwriter working in Hollywood film industry. I don't know to introduce him much, he's celebrity so just Google him and you will have all informative data about him.



Baby is leading character in action thriller movie Baby Driver. If you've watched the movie or heard about it then also I don't need to describe Baby more. Honestly that was Baby's face who first stopped me to not watch the movie. I didn't see any hero or leading character looks on his face. But after reading about the film everywhere made me to change my decision.

Family Background Similarity

Brandon's bio is on his website which is easily found in all search engines. He lost his parents at very young age. Same that happened to Baby in Baby Driver movie. 

Almost Same Pastof Brandon and Baby

They have almost same past. Same background. They both got into gang world accidentally and then came out of that trouble because they have kind hearts so God helped them to survive through.     


Both are tall and dashing. When I saw Brandon first time He was young and much handsome then. He looked like Collin Farrel. If you see his old you would agree with me. Both are risk takers. Both are generous and kind.

Music as Common Interest

Brandon is not only a professional screenwriter but also he's also famous for his DJ skills. Baby is not a DJ in the movie But he shows a great interest in music. Always listening songs. Headphones on.

In conclusion, they both have many similarities but still one huge thing which differentiate them that one is real person and other is just a movie character. Having all those moral qualities and skills in real life is not an easy thing to handle. My English is not good enough to describe Brandon's personality more accurately.

Oct 22, 2017

Baby Driver vs The Transporter

I read and heard a lot about so watched Baby Driver trailer and it got huge appreciation from all around the world. That thing motivated me to watch that action crime film. So I did and also got some points which you would have noticed too. I think if I had watch that kind of film few years back then maybe it could be one of my most favorite movies but at this age I find no interest this sort of stories. Overall a good movie that is. Especially Baby name is cute. That’s what I thought about the film first when I skimmed whole of it but my views got changed completely after finishing it. What a movie. Yeah Baby Driver deserves that much appreciation. Once I started to watch then I couldn’t quit until I finished. Same thing I mentioned about War for the Planet of the Apes.


Baby Driver vs The Transporter

In both movies leading role is a car driver who facilitate criminals and also they both have kind hearts and meet beautiful and needy girls in their journeys. So we can say that both films are similar in few ways. Especially first scene is totally a carbon copy of The Transporter except Baby listening music headphones on and there's a girl to look it a hotter scene. Otherwise most of the scene is similar to first film. A difference or change they made is that Jason Statham is a bit old and they took a young guy to play the role. He got stuck in that dirty business where he wasn’t supposed to. Not his fault because it wan not his choice.
 The Transporter guy was drives for criminals with his own will but baby doesn’t. Also you think about Drive movie starring dashing Hollywood star Ryan Gosling

 action thriller movie Baby Driver

Baby Driver IMDb

Not only this one but I've noticed with some other movies info is not correct. Most of times their genres are not mentioned properly. That is disgusting. They mentioned music and not written thriller as movie genre. Maybe it is film team who updates their data on IMDb. They should be careful about.There’s a bit comedy and lightness in the film especially Sam is little but most entertaining character I found in Baby Driver. Isn’t he?

  Resemblance to Fast and Furious

Also you can relate those action movies. Rap music, fast cars and daring drivers are common in both films. That is what most of young age people love to see because they want to do it themselves but not easy thing to do. But their fantasy and dream so it is always amazing your dreams on big screen. Those things happen when one person playing roles screenwriter and film director itself. Not everyone is James Cameron who made


 Generous and Kind Baby 

Romance is there too. Lily James made it romantic with her innocent and beautiful presence. They showed him very kind and sympathetic person. Even he get involved in bank robberies but no killing. When he snatches a car from an old lady, also it seems that he's acting polite. So you can say that Baby Driver movie is not only entertainment but also gives some moral values. I don't mean that you should help robbers but its a story that how he gets in that dirty business but still he tries to make it clean as much as he can. Honestly when I watched the trailer and read about it, I didn't got much impressed or inspired but when I viewed the film then Baby's character clicked my heart. He keeps record of special things by taping them in his ipod.Strange but a unique kind of thing they introduced. 

Box Office Earning

Really impressed by financial achievements of the film. I wasn't expecting that much result but it made it happen. Their budget wasn't that higher but their income is much higher so it means people highly admired and supported Baby's movie. Rarely Hollywood movies earn that much more than their budgets. You know that Hollywood is very competitive film industry so it is not easy to survive for filmmakers. English film director and screenwriter Edgar Wright done awesome job. Not people of all ages gonna enjoy the story but surely young especially teenagers will be so amused and entertained to see this one. So if any of that age is looking for a movie to watch then can be their better choice. Baby Driver review would help you guys to decide. They should go for that without any hesitation. No harm to their time and money. Sentence I loved which was said for Baby that devil behind the wheel.