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Oct 16, 2017

A Street Cat Named Bob-Best True Pet Movie

When I heard about the film, got so curious to watch it. It took long to find this beauty. After watching I had no hesitation to consider A Street Cat Named Bob as one of the best true pet movie I ever watched. Must watch movie I am sure to write it. Keep your tissue close because your eyes can pour some salty and vital water through them.

A Street Cat Named Bob is has connection to A Street Car Named Desire. That is a drama movie made in 1951. A user review well describes beauty of the film. David wrote "I dare you to leave the theater unhappy after watching this awesome movie". He wrote The Gem instead of the movie which I added or edited you can say.

True Story Film Based on Bestseller

I hardly like a movie which bases on a true story or event. You know that reality is much different than fiction. Not ends in positive ways most of times. That's what I hate about. But A street Cat Named Bob has a happy and positive ending. Movies like that not only save your time but money too. There are many films which we like but special thing about this one is that it is a not a fiction but real one. Hard to believe truth.James is writer of the novel and James is main character of the story too. Isn't that a nice coincidence? You know why that is best seller? That is because not only book lovers but every cat lover would have read the story and also would have watched the movie.

Inspirational Movie

Not only me but others too, try to find some inspiration from a story or film. That is a plus point to an entertainment thing I believe. James couldn't survive through his addiction thing if he didn't have Bob. That wasn't just a street cat who came in his life but a miracle who saved him. That saved a human life. That saved a family.

A Street Cat Named Bob filmed in London, England

Raining, clouds, quite and unique type of streets. Yes, that is London. Heart of United Kingdom. I love that kind of weather even British people don't. Maybe they are fed up of cold and long winter and we are tired of warm and long summer. Those scenes and pretty locations helped me a lot to part of that true story.

Few Emotional Scenes in The Film

When James comes home and Bob is not there. I can feel his pain. It happens to me. Maybe most of you guys can better understand feeling to not have your favorite pet who is like your beloved kid. For me James is worthier and more special than James Bond because of his kind and generous nature. Being nice is not an easy thing to do. You deal with many hardships and challenges that way. Another emotion scene in A Street Cat Named Bob is when James tries to meet his father but things go wrong. Being far away from your family is toughest part of life. Not easy to handle that.

Bob vs Eddie

You know Bob well so no introduction needed but I should write that who Eddie was. He was my one of my best friends Brandon M. Wyse's cat. RIP. Brandon was so down when he lost Eddie. I can understand. If you can feel emotions between James and Bob then surely you can know what depth was between Brandon and Eddie. Eddie would be up there in heaven must be looking at his best friend.

A Street Cat Named Bob worth watching 

In conclusion, I'm not hesitant to write that the movie worth watching. So you shouldn't delay any moment if you thinking to watch a movie and have no choice. Make it your selection. No regrets viewers will have. That's sure.Just came to know that

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